Our Team

Harriet Jones

Harriet Jones

Specialist Musculoskeletal And Sports Physiotherapist

Harriet has always been interested in exercise and rehabilitation and has a Masters degree in Physiotherapy from Kings College Hospital (2007) plus a first class honours degree in Sport and Exercise Science from the prestigious Loughborough University.

Once qualified as a Physiotherapist, Harriet completed her matwork Pilates training with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) and has continued to maintain a very high level of professional development and learning.

Harriet has over 17 years experience as a physiotherapist and Pilates instructor within two of London’s major teaching hospitals (Kings and UCH) and in the private sector.  Harriet has extensive experience treating clients with low back pain, sports injuries, orthopaedic conditions and clients who are both antenatal and postnatal. Harriet has post graduate training in acupuncture, Pilates including ‘The Reformer’ and pregnancy related pain.

Harriet has a special interest in female athlete health and treats females with musculoskeletal and pelvic health concerns, including during pregnancy and the post natal period. Harriet is passionate in helping clients return to sport and exercise postnatally.

Harriet has a strong sporting background, playing tennis to a national level and achieving a sports scholarship to New Mexico State University in the USA, where she studied Kinesiology. Harriet has been an active member of the Hampshire County Ladies tennis team for over 20 years where she currently represents them in Group 1 of Summer County Cup.

Harriet is a full member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (MCSP), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP). Harriet is an affiliate member of the Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (POGP).

Undergraduate Education:

BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science, Loughborough University First Class Honours 2002-2005 MSc (pre-registration) Physiotherapy, King’s College London 2005-2007

Post Graduate Education/Courses:

POGP: Pelvic Health Physiotherapy: Female urinary dysfunction
The Well HQ Open University Module – Supporting female performance in sport and fitness
POGP: Physiotherapy Assessment and Management of Pregnancy Related Musculoskeletal Conditions
APPI Pilates Matwork Examination (passed with 93%)
APPI Pilates Matwork Level Three Intermediate/Advanced
APPI Pilates Matwork Level Two Class Instructor
APPI Pilates Matwork Level One
Ante & Postnatal Pilates – APPI
APPI Reformer Level 1
Paediatric and Adolescent Musculoskeletal Disorders – Tom Quantrell
Recognising Rheumatology – Jack March
Running Repairs – Tom Goom
Compex Advanced Training Course
Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome Uncovered – Claire Robertson
Kinesiology Tape – RockTape FMT1
The Combined Approach to the SIJ – Howard Turner
Clinical Reasoning of the Upper Quadrant
The Grumbling Groin – Mark Young
ACPSM Study Day: The Management of Acute Soft Tissue Injuries
Pathology, Assessment & Rehabilitation of Lower Limb Tendinopathies – Jill Cook
National Sports First Aid Course
Orthopaedic Masterclass – Peripheral Nerve Injuries
AACP Foundation Acupuncture Course – AACP
Sporting Masterclass ‘M’ Level course: The Knee – University of Hertfordshire
Making Sense of Chronic Pain – Nick Spahr & Duncan Saunders
The Shoulder: Theory and Practice – Dr Jeremy Lewis

Conferences and Congress:

Therapy Live Conference (2021)
Therapy Live Conference (2020)
TherapyExpo Conference (2017)